A traditional Scottish Shortbread recipe that is very easy to make.
Ingredients for Scottish Shortbread
- 175 grams (6 oz) plain flour
- 125 grams (4 oz) butter or margarine
- 50 grams (2 oz) castor sugar
- Pinch of salt (optional)
How to Make Scottish Shortbread
- Rub the butter into the flour and sugar. Add salt to taste (optional).
- Knead to a very smooth dough - this should take about 10 minutes (chill the dough in the fridge if it becomes warm and sticky during kneading).
- Press the dough into a greased 18 cm (7 inch) round cake tin.
- Prick the surface all over with a fork.
- Using a sharp knife score lines on the surface to mark-out pieces in triangles.
- Bake in oven at 170°C (325°F / Gas Mark 3) for 35-40 minutes, until a light golden brown. Do not over cook.
- Leave in the tin for 5 minutes before turning out on to a cooling tray.
- Sprinkle liberally with castor sugar.
The traditional way of cutting shortbread
is called Petticoat Tails. Do this by scoring a small
circle in the centre and then radiate lines out from
the centre to form triangles.
Serving Suggestions
Serve on its own of with cup of tea or coffee.
Store in an airtight container.
Other recipes to try: Coventry
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Recipe - Traditional
Image Credit: storebukkebruse (CC BY 2.0)