Once you have visited Great Britain you will realise why we are always talking about the weather! Our climate can change from day to day but we are also lucky in that we rarely have extreme weather conditions.

"March winds, April showers and thunder storms in August" has been a popular weather saying for centuries and can still be used today to describe the British weather.

We British love to moan about the weather and if you want to start up a conversation, just mention the weather. We will moan that it is to hot to cold but never perfectly boring!

Average Day Time Temperatures °C

UK Average Weather Chart

Based on data from the UK Met Office

Looking at the chart you can see that the south east is the warmest place in the spring and summer. The south west is the warmest during the autumn and winter months, the east of the country also tends to be the driest, and the west is the wettest region.

Content by Susanne B

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